7 Maintenance Tips For Your Car Tyres

If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably just gotten yourself some new car
tyres in Hawkesbury. Or perhaps you’re planning on getting some and you want to learn about the best practices for car tyre maintenance. 

Like you, many people are tired of always changing their tires. Perhaps you are wondering what makes tyres wear out quickly, and how best you can prevent this. Wouldn’t it be great if your tyres could last much longer than they normally do? 

Well, in this article, I’ll be sharing with you some of the best practices for maintaining car tyres to make them last much longer. 

Let's dive right in! 

7 Car Tyre Maintenance Best Practices 

  1. Drive Smoothly 

One is perhaps the best actionable practice that would make your car tyres last much longer.  

Ensure that when you are driving, you don’t accelerate suddenly. Doing this thins out the tyre treads much quicker. Also, make sure that when driving, you ease into brakes. Suddenly stopping your car will cause it to skid across the ground and leave tyre tracks. There is no faster way to wear out your tyre than this. 

If possible, try to turn your steering less frequently, especially when you park or when your car is at a point of rest.  

If you observe carefully, the front wheels of your vehicle wear out much faster than the back wheels. This is because the back wheels do not turn at all. Meanwhile, the front tyres are constantly turning and creating friction.  

  1. Check the Air Pressure 

Constantly checking your car tyre pressure keeps your tyres in optimal performance and also serves in achieving fuel efficiency. 

Make sure your car tyres are not over or under-inflated. If your tyres are overinflated, they would have less contact with the road and reduce road adhesion, giving you limited control over your vehicle.  

Likewise, if your tyres are underinflated, it would reduce your overall tyre diameter and increase side wall flexion, making it difficult to handle your vehicle. 

  1. Check Bolt Size 

Wheel bolts are usually provided by the manufacturer; however, if you are purchasing tyres in Hawkesbury, particularly if you are getting used ones, make sure that the bolts are the appropriate size. 

They cannot be too short or too long. If the bolts are too short, the chances of popping are high and this could be very dangerous especially when driving. And if they are too long, they could end up damaging your car suspension. So make sure the bolts are the appropriate size. 

  1. Avoid Hydroplaning 

Try as much as you possibly can to avoid driving in wet or waterlogged areas. Water makes it easy for your tyres to wear out and crack. Tyres wear out much faster, especially during the rainy seasons.  

According to experts, the best way to combat hydroplaning is to use new tyres. This is because new tyres have deep grooves that allow for easy passage of water, making it easier for the tyres to grip the ground. However, it’s best to follow the best practices and avoid water-logged areas as much as you can. 

  1. Check for Wheel Alignment 

Wheel alignment is very crucial to the lifespan of your tyres. If your wheels are not properly aligned, you will find that the treads are thinning out much faster while also reducing your vehicle’s overall performance.  

There is a specified alignment angle that comes with every vehicle manufacturer. If you notice that your tyres are lopsided or bent at an angle, you might have to visit a tyre shop and have an expert align them for you.  

One of the best practices for keeping your tyres always aligned is to realign them every five thousand kilometres, or whenever you notice that it’s bent at a specific angle. 

  1. Be Careful When Swapping 

When swapping your car tyres in Hawkesbury, you need to take caution so that you don’t end up damaging the tyres.  

Always use a hydraulic jack to raise the car and take the pressure off your tyre before removing it. If you don’t have a hydraulic jack, then the jack provided by the manufacturer would suffice.  

I recommend having an expert change your tyres for you because your car could still easily fall off the jack and land on your tyre, or even worse, land on you.  

Another best practice is to always make sure that your vehicle is on a hard or rigid surface when changing tyres, 

  1. Store Tyres Carefully 

If you get a spare tyre but are not ready to use it, where you store it is very crucial to its lifespan. You must have heard that you should store your tyres in a cool dry place.  

Well, this is true because tyres are made of rubber. If there is any moisture or heat, it could seriously weaken the material and ultimately shorten the lifespan of your tyre.  

Furthermore, avoid keeping your tyres anywhere near chemical substances like grease and petroleum. Don’t let water collect inside the tyres as well. This could easily turn to stagnant water and breathe bacteria which would further shorten your tyre’s lifespan 


Follow the best practices above and you will notice a tremendous change in the lifespan of your tyres. You wouldn’t need to visit any tyre shops in Hawkesbury to keep changing your tyres.  

However, if you have any problems or need help with your tyres, do not hesitate to visit a local tyre shop near you and seek advice from an expert, or have them help you. 


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