What Are The Signs That Indicate That Your Car Battery Is Dying?

Today, technological development has brought tremendous improvement in vehicles to have more electrical components than ever before. The battery is one of the important elements that help to upkeep your car's electrical system. It is crucial to maintain the battery to make your car perform in order. The car's battery life is affected due to the improper maintenance of the car, extreme weather conditions etc. Also, over time the vehicle battery gets worn out. 

Eventually, every battery will come to the battery that cannot hold enough charge to start a car. It can happen due to the corrosion on the connections, a leak developed and of normal wear. Ideally, you need to determine the best time to replace your battery before it dies. If you want to replace your battery, look for a reliable shop to purchase a Battery in Windsor. So how could you know that your battery is dying off? Here is a list of signs that indicate that your car battery is dying. 

Check engine light is ON.

When you check the engine light, you could possibly know whether the battery is running out of power or not. If you like to get greater insight, check the engine light warning for your vehicle make and model on the manual. Then ensure that your battery is working at full capacity. 

The engine is slow to start.

Probably a slow engine crank is one of the common symptoms of a dying battery. Each time when your vehicle gets started, the engine pulls amps from the battery. If your battery is going out of power, you will likely experience that the engine is slow to crank. If your engine starts slowly, you need to wait for a few extra seconds for the engine to turn over. Change the vehicle's battery as soon as possible. Don't ignore it, to save yourself from any troubles. 

Dim headlights

A battery powers all electronic components in your car, and if the battery is losing its charge, the electronic components in your car will not run on full power. If your cell phone charger, radio, dashboard computer, or heated seat will not work as usual and this indicates that your battery is struggling. 

Battery connectors are corroded

 If you look at your car battery, seeing an ashy substance on the metals of the battery is a sure sign of corrosion. The positive and negative corroded terminals on the top of the battery can lead to voltage issues and trouble starting your car. If your battery gets corroded, immediately take your car to the mechanic shop to replace the Battery in Windsor. 

The battery case is swollen.

Generally, a battery is confined to a chemical reaction in a box. Sometimes, things can go wrong with any chemical reaction. When the battery is exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures, the sides of the battery case can swell. Swelling of the battery due to excess heat will lead to an electrically dead battery. Therefore, immediately you need to replace your battery. 

Smell something rotten

When you raise the hood of your car, if there is any smell of rotten eggs, it may indicate that your battery is leaking. A gas leak in a battery is caused due to the damage of the battery or an internal short. 

If your battery is old 

Ideally, car batteries can last for 3-5 years. Driving behaviour, climate, and electronic demands will affect the lifespan of a battery. It's the best idea to test your battery performance after it hits the 3-year mark. 

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Wrapping it up

These are some symptoms that tend to replace your old battery. If you are not sure when to replace your Battery in Windsor, take your car to a reliable repair shop and perform a battery load test. The mechanics from the shop determine the battery's strength and replace it if it is needed. Replace your battery at the right time and maintain your car's performance.

Disclaimer : This is a generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website.


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